Daily Vacationer devoted an entire week to DINO WEEK where we hunted down all things Dinosaur in Greater Philadelphia. We found a ton more than we thought that we were going to and had an unbelievably great week in the process. Definitely take the time to do your own grand tour of all the Dinosaurs in Greater Philadelphia - though we have to warn you, doing them all in one week can become a little intense!
Wilmington, DE
Dinosaur Gallery and a
visiting Hadrosaurus foulkii
visiting Hadrosaurus foulkii
Philadelphia, PA
Haddy (theHadrosaurus
foulkii) Statue and
foulkii) Statue and
various reptiles
Camden, NJ
Megalodon (prehistoric shark)
and various sharks and reptiles
Philadelphia, PA
Dinosaur Hall, Fossil
Prep Lab, and the
Prep Lab, and the
Dinosaurs Unearthed Exhibit
Haddonfield, NJ
Hadrosaurus foulkii discovery site and
Haddy (the Hadrosaurus foulkii) Statue
Haddy (the Hadrosaurus foulkii) Statue
Trenton, NJ, Philadelphia, PA,
and Wilmington, DE
Artwork of and
inspired by Dinosaurs
Trenton, NJ
Natural History Highlights Exhibit
And now what.....?
In addition to these amazing places, Daily Vacationer also discovered a couple of ways for Dinosaur enthusiasts to dig up their own amazing fossils. The New Jersey State Museum heads up Paleontological Digs every summer to Montana and Wyoming that interested parties can sign up to join. These dig sites are the locations of some pretty amazing finds (like the Hadrosaurus skull we saw at the Fossil Prep Lab!). A lot closer to home, the Academy of Natural Sciences does some digging right in Mantua, NJ after a lot of pretty awesome fossils began popping up in a marl pit owned by the Inversand Company. The Academy often takes groups along on these trips, and once a year, Inversand, the Academy, and the town of Mantua host a Family Dig Day that anyone of any age can sign up for. There is also talk of making the marl pit into a public dig site in the future. And from what we've heard, anyone can try their luck along the banks of the Hadrosaurus Run in Haddonfield, NJ in the hopes of uncovering another prehistoric wonder like the amazing Hadrosaurus foulkii!
Make sure to check out DINO WEEK Jr, as Daily Vacation explores
the fun and interactive side to all things Dinosaur in Greater Philadelphia
- starting Sunday, January 19th!
Thanks and Gratitude:
Daily Vacationer has quite a lot of people to thank for the success of DINO WEEK. We could not have done without the support, knowledge, and help of numerous museums, local attractions, organizations, and individuals. We appreciate so many locations inviting us to see their various dinosaurs, people researching answers to numerous questions, and an enthusiastic response from the scientific and art communities of Greater Philadelphia. We especially want to thank the museum staff who managed not laugh at our terrible pronunciation of Dinosaur names and the fact that we never stopped referring to the Megalodon as a "Dinosaur".
Delaware Museum of Natural History
Philadelphia Zoo
Adventure Aquarium
Academy of Natural Sciences
Borough of Haddonfield
Grounds for Sculpture
Morris Arboretum of the University of Pennsylvania
New Jersey State Museum
Wilmington Renaissance Corporation
Delaware Division of the Arts
Stephen Crawford
This is one place we have never gone. Looking at these pictures definitely made me want to visit!