Friday, March 8, 2013

Planning for Spring

In spite of the continuing cold weather and the dread of more snow heading east, hints of spring are starting to pop up all around.  The first change to indictate the coming of warmer weather is in my own mindset.  When the temperature creeps over 50 degrees, I find myself bundling up to enjoy to the (incredibly cold!) fresh air.  I begin looking at my capris and flip flops as actual possibilities soon and not just items that take up room in the closet.  I cheer inside everytime I notice the couple of extra minutes a day of sunshine.
This time of year, when the seasons slowly begin to change, is the perfect time to begin planning those warm weather Daily Vacations we've been dreaming of while hibernating all winter.  We start to realize that soon we'll be able to feel the warmth of the sun again on our skin and that just sitting on the front porch breathing the spring air will be a welcome treat.  It's a time of true potential and heightened expectations.
Right now, before the warmth fully hits, I encourage you to start some spring weather planning.  Begin a list or a collection of all your Daily Vacation ideas to take advantage of in the upcoming season.  There's just so many possibilities when the weather cooperates that it's best to really think about it ahead of time.  I hate being the poor person on the day after the first day of spring who realizes that they could have gotten free Rita's Water Ice the day before if they had just been paying more attention!
Recently, I've been cutting out articles from magazines and newspapers of upcoming events and local places to visit and collecting menus for eaterys I have to yet enjoy (because, contrary to the fact that I write an online blog, I'm more of a physical pencil and paper kind of person) and pinning them to the corkboard above my desk.  I have a nice collection now of ideas for Daily Vacations alone, with my daughter(s), with my husband, with friends, and with out of town guests.  Naturally, I always have my fallbacks of the local parks, my front stoop, and the backyard.
So now is the time to make that new book list.  Wash out the old picnic blacket you tucked away for months.  Take note of all the fun events coming your way.  Plan all those outings you thought of in the middle of January when spring seemed like a billion years away.  Spring is now right around the corner and you have some Daily Vacationing to do!

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